What I learned from the Raleigh Media Leaders Event by Cord Silverstein
I don’t care what new tool or technology comes out, there is nothing that beats face-to-face conversations. I really enjoyed meeting a number of people who before last night’s event I only knew as an avatar picture on Twitter.
Raleigh Media Leaders Inaugural Networking Event by Phil Buckley
A half hour in we had a line down the stairs waiting to get in! It was getting busy, and fast. At 7:40 we took a minute to thank everyone for coming but you could hardly hear us over the PA system because we had already let over 100 people through the door.
Raleigh Media Leaders by Morgan Siem
A big thank you to everyone who helped with, supported and attended the Raleigh Media Leaders networking event this week. I couldn’t have been more proud to be a part of the Raleigh community of media, advertising, PR and tech leaders.
Media Leaders Raleigh – A Plethora of Raleigh’s BEST by Lisa Sullivan
So many fantastic minds in one room! Each one with their own purpose, their own area of expertise, distinct in their own way. You could feel the creative energy flow as the minutes ticked away.
Lunch With The Leaders by Brian McDonald
Over 150 professionals from marketing, advertising, media and technology gathered for an evening of interaction and stimulating conversation. The event was unique in that there was a grand prize for the evening, a drawing for “Lunch with The Leaders,” a lunch with three area media leaders with three media leaders attendees.
Raleigh Media Leaders networking event: the latest prize winners’ lunch at Joel Lane’s by Karl Sakas
Lunch topics ranged from job search tips to Raleigh’s mayoral race, and from marketing trends to how trade show exhibitors can afford to give away a $45,000 BMW